Funded Places for our Children: Kingswood are registered for 2,3 and 4 year funding. In England all 3-4 year olds are eligible for 570 hours of funding in the year this can be used as 15 hrs a week throughout a 38 week setting or 11 hours a week through a 51 week setting.
For a child to be eligible for 2 year Funding, they have to fulfil one or more of the following:
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
- Tax credits and have an annual income under £16,190 before tax
- The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- The Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
- Universal Credit
Alternative funding eligibility:
- They’re looked after by a local council
- They have a current statement of special education needs (SEN)or an education health and care plan
- They get Disability Living Allowance
- They’ve left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order
- If your child is eligible, you can start claiming the term after they turn two. To check if you qualify please complete the form on the following link. 3-4 year funding:
- Your child is eligible for 3-4 year funding the term after they turn 3.
Your Child is eligible for funding depending on their birthday:
- 1st January to 31st March- The beginning of the term after 1st April – Summer Term
- 1st April to 31st August – The beginning of the term after 1st September – Autumn Term
- 1st September to 31st December – The beginning of the term after 1st January – Spring Term